Wow, it’s been a while…

Where does the time go?

I’ve had quite a bit more energy lately and haven’t been deep in the twelfth house lately.

I’m starting to feel Jupiter heading out of the 12th and into the 1st house. A little more happy, a little more optimistic, a little more large and in charge.

But I still am very very focused on my meditation, my yoga, and my hypnosis practice. Just about every day I am up at 6 am doing yoga. And it feels fantastic. This connection to the deeper part of yourself is what that 12th house is all about. Yoga has a power of rebirth, and regeneration. I am revisiting old injuries and healing myself. Getting stronger each day.

I also noticed my mom and how psychological her health is. She’s a Virgo Sun, so she loves to analyze. But she’s been through so much. I don’t know how she gets through each day.

I tried to get her interested in yoga and hypnosis. I feel that she has tangled herself into self doubt, and feels she deserves the pain. After 15 years of battling fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and cancer 3 times, she is my hero. It’s hard.

The thing that my mom has taught me (especially about the 12th house) is that it’s a different experience for everyone. She takes photographs and goes on walks in nature. This is her place of healing and regeneration.

I have a fear that I will inherit her disease and pain. Research shows that it is not hereditary. So I have to let go…

Think positive. Imagine yourself in the body that you most desire. You have all the power in the world.

Jupiter Transit through the 12th House

The Twelfth House

I started this blog to try and navigate through astrology and the transits that are happening to me at this time. They continue to move through and it can sometimes feel like time is flying, and sometimes feel like it’s never going to stop!

My most recent fascination has been with the 12th house. Over the last 6 months or so, Jupiter has been moving through my 12th. I also have my natal Jupiter in the 12th. So when Jupiter acts as a megaphone, amplifying and enlarging, when it hits natal Jupiter, it really gets big.

I’ve found that in the last year or so, I really have been tired. Exhausted. Like I want to crawl into bed and not get out. It feels a little bit like depression, but more like healing from a cold. Your body can give you a cold when you burn the candle at both ends, to make sure you get adequate rest and recharge your batteries.

Also, I am a cancer sun, so the idea of retreating into a nest and recharging is VERY comforting to me. For many people, slowing down & reflecting can be awful, for others it’s a relief and energizing.

When Jupiter was about to enter my 12th, I really hit the rest & relaxation phase hard. I didn’t exercise, I slept in on the weekends, I played bejeweled on my phone,  I watched a lot of movies and ate comfort food. Then a few months later, I started thinking about my life, who I am and what I want to change.

I’ve taken an interest in many studies over the last few months that I would connect with the 12th house. Astrology, psychology, hypnosis, handwriting analysis, yoga, meditation. All of these things have always been an interest to me, but now they feel amplified. I feel like I have a hole in my life, and need to fill it up with some sort of spiritual practice, and to ask myself some spiritual questions.

I also have natal Mercury in my 12th house, so this makes sense! The curiosity, questions, and writing come easy to me. I enjoy getting in to that deep communication between myself, my subconscious, the larger collective, and spirit. Starting this blog is just about exactly when Jupiter is crossing over my natal Mercury in the 12th. (Sidenote: Jupiter & Mercury are also in Gemini in the 12th – so double that Mercury energy.)

Now that I have started asking myself these spiritual questions, what’s next?

My Sun is within one degree of my Ascendant. It is technically in my 12th house, but so close to the first, that I oscillate between a 12th house Sun & a 1st house Sun. My Ascendant & Sun are just past the Gemini/Cancer cusp, both in Cancer. I’ve read that a person with a Sun in the 1st house has presence, has a strong image, is a leader, and innovator. The shadow side of this is that they can be self-centered, prideful, or obsessed with self-image. The Sun in the 12th house can be compassionate, introverted, and avoid the spotlight. The shadow side of the 12th can be feeling alone, lacking individuality, and even a personality that can turn to drinking & drugs!

So what the heck does that mean? A Sun in the 12th and a Sun in the 1st seem like polar opposites. Where is that middle ground?

As I prepare for Jupiter to cross over my Sun & Ascendant, I am trying to prepare for this moment. I think that secretly, I am hoping it will be a blossoming event. I am hoping that when Jupiter enters my first house, it will give me energy, light, joy, and good luck! (Crossing my fingers…).

Another thing I have been looking at in my chart is when this happened to me the last time in my life. Sometimes you only get one pass at a transit in your life (or never), and some transits you get quite a few tries at. If astrology is about learning life lessons, then what did I learn last time?

Last time Jupiter crossed over my Ascendant/Sun, I was in the 7th grade. It was 1989-1990. My Sun/Ascendant is at about 4 degrees Cancer. Jupiter transited over that spot in August 1989 & then turned retrograde & crossed over in January 1990. Then it turned direct and crossed over again in April 1990. Just about the first 3/4 of my 7th grade school year.

So, like any kid in Junior High, you sort of come of age. In my neighborhood, 6th graders went to Elementary, and 7th & 8th graders went to Jr. High. I had spent 1st-6th grade at the same Elementary school. I had the same friends that I pretty much knew in 1st grade. We all knew each other and there wasn’t a whole lot of drama or stress in Elementary school.

In 7th grade, I went to a new school, and a couple of friends, including my best friend, went to a different Jr. High. So for me, this was pretty scary! It was exciting and fresh and I felt like a new person. I actually retreated a bit, and became a little more introverted. I was out of my element!

I learned a lot about myself in that time period even though it was scary at that time. It’s funny to think about the transits of Jupiter on a larger scale. If you track every 6-7 years as it crosses over your Ascendant or Descendant, you’ll see some pretty big changes.

6 years before I made that fateful leap into Junior High, I moved with my family to a new town. And 6 years before that, I was born. I am starting to see a pattern. So where was I 6 years ago? Technically it was less than 6 years, but that is when I moved out of my comfort zone (with roommates) and in to my current home with my husband (we weren’t married yet).

So with that in mind, my new motto will be: “Welcome to Junior High!”



Key Planetary Questions in Evolutionary Astrology – From Steven Forrest

This is from Steven Forrest’s website:


Amazing! Please check out his website!


This list of brief questions will help illuminate the meanings behind these key symbols in the birth chart, as understood through the lens of Evolutionary Astrology.


What are the core principles and soul-intentions to which you must be true in order to maintain sanity, identity, and authenticity? What are the core drives to which you must be true in order to maintain vitality and life-force?


To what “trans”-rational needs and joys must you be true in order to maintain happiness and a feeling of well-being? What is the most effective way in which you can nurture, heal and restore yourself?


How do you compose your outward style in order to achieve a maximum sense of “centeredness?” How do you “get your act together?” What is the optimal stylistic interface between your deep psyche and the outer social and experiential worlds?


What is your natural gift to your community? What is your natural role in the world? What is your “cosmic job description?”


What blindspots in you require strengthening, correction, and stimulation through partnership?

Astrological Nadir

Where do you naturally retreat for vision and re-inspiration? What  self-revelation is the deepest token of trust and intimacy you can offer another person?


What key archetypes underlie your true voice? What is the right, natural shape of your intelligence and what is its purpose? How does the world speak to you in omens?


How do you best release stress and restore equilibrium? What qualities in another person invite your trust, ease, and intimacy? What kinds of aesthetic stimuli uplift your spirit? How do you express affection and fondness, and what does that imply about 
the natures of your soulmates?


Where in your life do you most need to develop courage and right assertiveness?
Where must you choose between the role of “hunter” and the role of “prey?”


How and where have you been chronically underestimating yourself? Where might you settle for too little? What was the “Gift of the Gods” given to you at your birth?


What is the Great Workof your life? Where do you most need to guard against excesses of caution and hesitancy? What fear unconsciously shapes and limits your scope of self-expression?


Where must you attend to your individuality and freedom, even at the price of disappointing others? Where must you guard most vigilantly against being twisted into inauthenticity by a need for approval and acceptance?


Where might you surrender too much? Where and how does Spirit speak to you? How can you best develop your psychic sensitivities?


Where do you carry your wise wound and what gave it to you? Where must you go to retrieve your soul?

Moon’s South Node

What unconscious assumptions about yourself and your life might keep you “looping” worn-out prior-life behaviors?

Moon’s North Node

What is the ultimate evolutionary strategy and intention for your soul?


BASIC–Individuality, what one really is, vitality, will, chief ambitions, those in authority, men.

POSITIVE–Generosity, dignity.

NEGATIVE–Despotism, arrogance, ostentation, lack of ambition, animalistic qualities.



BASIC–Love of home, capacity for home building, impressionability.

POSITIVE–Sympathy, sensitiveness, artistry.

NEGATIVE–Clannishness, timidity, restlessness, indolence.


12th.–Paying debts of destiny, limitations, institutions for care of unfortunates, secrecy, mysticism.

1st.–Beginnings, early environment, personality, physical body.





  BASIC–Personality, imagination, instinctual mind, emotions, change, fecundation, the people, women.

  POSITIVE–Positive psychic qualities, personal magnetism.

  NEGATIVE–Negativeness, visionariness, dreaming, vacillation, frivolity, fretfulness, procrastination, indecision, incorrect impressions.


  BASIC–Capacity for partnership, art.

  POSITIVE–Balance, justice, courtesy, hopefulness, artistic ability.

  NEGATIVE–Indecision, lack of poise, emotional fluctuation.


  4th.–The home, the mother, conditions at end of life, lands, and mines.




  BASIC–Reason; self-expression of all kinds; speaking, writing, gestures; knowledge through reason.

  POSITIVE–Quick-wittedness, eloquence, literary ability, dexterity.

  NEGATIVE–Restlessness, gossip, profanity, demagogy, dishonesty, deceit, nervousness, worry, indecision, forgetfulness, clumsiness.


  BASIC–Intellectuality, literary affairs, work with hands, dualism.


  NEGATIVE–Changeability, indecision, superficiality.

  12th.–Paying debts of destiny, limitations, institutions for care of unfortunates, secrecy, mysticism.




  BASIC–Attraction, cohesion, coalition, personal love, social instincts and activities, art, ornamentation, beauty.

  POSITIVE–Harmony, artistic ability, cheerfulness, suavity.

  NEGATIVE–Sensuality, dissoluteness, vulgarity, sloth, laziness, sentimentality, vanity, inconstancy.


  BASIC–Determination, interest in mundane affairs.

  POSITIVE–Endurance, thoroughness, conservatism, harmony.

  NEGATIVE–Obstinacy, argumentativeness.

  11th.–Friends, hopes, and wishes.




  BASIC–Dynamic energy.

  POSITIVE–Constructiveness, courage, enterprise, enthusiasm, gallantry.

  NEGATIVE–Combativeness, friction, temper, destructiveness, passion, lustfulness, impulsiveness, audacity, coarseness, egotism.


  BASIC–Determination, interest in mundane affairs.

  POSITIVE–Endurance, thoroughness, conservatism, harmony.

  NEGATIVE–Obstinacy, argumentativeness.

  11th.–Friends, hopes, and wishes.




  BASIC–Expansion, vision, optimism, ideation, orthodox religious tendencies.

  POSITIVE–Benevolence, broad-mindedness, executive ability, legal ability, respect for law, honor, charity, reverence, conservatism, opulence, popularity, success.

  NEGATIVE–Overconfidence, extravagance, indolence, prodigality, showiness, bombast, dissipation, sportiness, lawlessness, procrastination.


  BASIC–Intellectuality, literary affairs, work with hands, dualism.


  NEGATIVE–Changeability, indecision, superficiality.

  12th.–Paying debts of destiny, limitations, institutions for care of unfortunates, secrecy, mysticism.





  BASIC–Contraction, persistence, caution.

  POSITIVE–Faithfulness, stability, concentration, analysis system, building qualities, tact, diplomacy, justice, thrift, economy, deliberation, conservatism, endurance, discipline.

  NEGATIVE–Crystallization, obstruction, selfishness, slowness, fearfulness, limitation, materialism, melancholy, pessimism, avarice, secretiveness, suspicion, severity, cynicism.


  BASIC–Vitality, authority.

  POSITIVE–Affection, nobility, generosity, loyalty, dignity, leadership.

  NEGATIVE–Arrogance, autocracy, cruelty, overbearing, vanity, ostentatiousness.

2nd.–Finance, freedom given by money.





  BASIC–The Awakener; altruism, inventiveness, originality, sudden action, unconventionality.

  POSITIVE–Progressiveness, universality, universal love of humanity, impersonality, independence, love of liberty, romance, intuition.

  NEGATIVE–Eccentricity, spasmodic action, bohemianism, fanaticism, irresponsibility, licentiousness, anarchy.


  BASIC–Secret forces of nature, sex, healing power, military affairs, surgery, magic.

  POSITIVE–Regeneration, courage, resourcefulness, ability for secret investigations.

  NEGATIVE–Discord, misuse of sex, passion, temper, willfulness, vindictiveness, jealousy.

5th.–Pleasure, education, children, publications, speculation.





  BASIC–Superphysical entities of all degrees and impressions from them. Divinity, occultism, knowledge from sources above reason, viz., superphysical beings.

  POSITIVE–Spirituality, intuition, inspiration, clairvoyance, prophecy, devotion, music.

  NEGATIVE–Delusions, chaotic mental conditions, morbidity, fraud, incoherence, deception, dishonesty, mediumship.


  BASIC–Aspiration, idealism, orthodox religion, philosophy, law.

  POSITIVE–Generosity, love of out-door life and athletics.

  NEGATIVE–Over-confidence, dogmatism, fanaticism.


6th.–Servicem, relations with employers and employees, health and sickness.





  BASIC–Renewing, enlivening, breaking open, germinating, erupting, reorganizing, provoking, transition.

  POSITIVE–Regeneration, transmutation, positive clairvoyance, revivification, universal welfare, motivation to strive for spiritual power.

  NEGATIVE–Force, defiance, death, destruction, fanaticism, struggle, sensuality, regimentation, underworld, black magic, decomposition.



  BASIC–Capacity for partnership, art.

  POSITIVE–Balance, justice, courtesy, hopefulness, artistic ability.

  NEGATIVE–Indecision, lack of poise, emotional fluctuation.

4th.–The home, the mother, conditions at end of life, lands, and mines.




The 12th House

The 12th House Keywords:










Spiritual Transcendence


Self Undoing



Emptyness (In the sense of a black hole – the lack of something… i.e. if you have mercury or gemini in the 12th, you would NOT do the things that rule those signs. Mercury/Gemini rules communication, so Mercury in the 12th, you may keep your mouth shut. Apply other signs planets here…)



Mental Institution



The Invisible





Blind Spot





Collective Unconscious



Michel Gauquelin – psychologist studied planets in the 12th house – says it correlates with career (more than traditional 10th house)





Opposite of real world (opposite of mundane)

Substance Abuse

Fairy tales

Big Dreams

Greatest Potential

All or Nothing

Large Public









Personal Space

Vivid Imagination







Emotional Expression






Positive Transformation













The Twelfth House

Welcome to the 12th house blog. I started this blog in honor of Jupiter! Jupiter is transiting my 12th house and my natal Jupiter is in my 12th house.


Since it takes Jupiter about 12 years to go through each of the astrological signs, this is a transit that I will experience every 12 years or so.


Since my natal Jupiter is in my 12th house, and Gemini, I am beginning a new adventure into writing about astrology.


Gemini rules writing, communication, and curiosity.

Jupiter rules expansion, philosophy and good luck.

The 12th House rules meditation, solitude and the unconscious.


I recently listened to the Sirius Astrology Podcast by Dena DeCastro. Check it out here:

More to come later on Jupiter and the 12th House.

