Wow, it’s been a while…

Where does the time go?

I’ve had quite a bit more energy lately and haven’t been deep in the twelfth house lately.

I’m starting to feel Jupiter heading out of the 12th and into the 1st house. A little more happy, a little more optimistic, a little more large and in charge.

But I still am very very focused on my meditation, my yoga, and my hypnosis practice. Just about every day I am up at 6 am doing yoga. And it feels fantastic. This connection to the deeper part of yourself is what that 12th house is all about. Yoga has a power of rebirth, and regeneration. I am revisiting old injuries and healing myself. Getting stronger each day.

I also noticed my mom and how psychological her health is. She’s a Virgo Sun, so she loves to analyze. But she’s been through so much. I don’t know how she gets through each day.

I tried to get her interested in yoga and hypnosis. I feel that she has tangled herself into self doubt, and feels she deserves the pain. After 15 years of battling fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and cancer 3 times, she is my hero. It’s hard.

The thing that my mom has taught me (especially about the 12th house) is that it’s a different experience for everyone. She takes photographs and goes on walks in nature. This is her place of healing and regeneration.

I have a fear that I will inherit her disease and pain. Research shows that it is not hereditary. So I have to let go…

Think positive. Imagine yourself in the body that you most desire. You have all the power in the world.